We are open to the idea of integrating with your EHR if it's a good fit for them and us.

Cash Practice® modules serve as a plug-in for EHR’s; therefore most of the work regarding the actual integration would happen on the end of your EHR provider.

Here are the steps to get this conversation started:

  • Contact your EHR and let them know that you would like to see them integrate with CashPractice.com; from there, determine who the direct contact that manages integration requests would be. Please gather their direct contact information
  • Please forward them to https://www.cashpractice.com/integrations 
  • Instruct them to complete the required form 

From here, our Chief Operations Officer will manage the conversation with your EHR provider and provide you with an update.

Please note that this process could be lengthy.  The initial conversations can take months to happen.  From there, the actual integration can take many months and sometimes years actually to happen.  This means the real-time integration for you to use in your practice can take a couple of years before you are actually enjoying it.  This is not to deter you from proceeding but more to give you an actual estimate of when you can expect to use the integration in your practice.  For those who are very eager to get this going, one tip that can move along the process is you contacting your EHR often to ask for the integration.  In our experience, EHRs are more likely to integrate what their members are requesting.